
Are You Ready for DBEI Hackathon ANZ 2020?

By Anthony Hauck

Join us on June 17 at the International Towers in Barangaroo, Sydney for the DBEI Hackathon ANZ.

In this era of multinational teams building all around the world with expertise and data drawn from dozens of disciplines, nothing is more critical than actionable data, clear communication, and effective communication to deliver quality projects, so this year’s event will be focused on ‘collaborative data modeling’.

Better data means better decisions, but it isn’t always easy to get the right data into the hands of the right people at the right time, or to make sure the right expert contribute when you need him or her.

Come together with your fellow building professionals, software developers, graphic designers and everyone else who wants to help envision the future of informed project delivery to come up with collaborative solutions that change the way AEC does business. No coding experience required!

Read what one of our previous Hackathon attendees said:

“I came into Hackathon with very little coding experience and wondering if I would get much out of it at all, but the event surpassed my expectations and was a fantastic experience both as a learning opportunity and as a networking event, and a challenge for all of our team’s abilities.” Dan Morrison BIMtelligence

Whether you’d like to explore better data interoperability or real-time collaboration in virtual reality, we’d like to see what’s possible to ensure the deepest understanding of project issues and their effective and sustainable resolution.

Bring your ideas, tech, friends, team, or simply your motivation to contribute to the improvement of the way we work, and we’ll bring the power, food and coffee, and possibly a few surprise guests to help push the boundaries to the highest peak.

Join us and live the data modeling collaboration you’d like to see in the world at the DBEI Hackathon 2020!

Click here to register!

Delegate registration: $75.00

Student Registration: $40.00

Includes all catering. BYO device!

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