BILT Academy 2019 Registration Now Open!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2nd annual BILT Academy event, which will run this year on the 8 October as a part of Digital Built Week Europe in Scotland this year. We look forward to seeing all those bright and smiling students who are ready to get their BIM tech and collaboration on and become the next generation of leaders in the AEC Industry!
BILT Academy is a one-day summit including Labs with exciting and interesting experts as speakers. Aimed at university students in the AEC industry, the summit provides a multi & interdisciplinary learning environment in terms of Architecture, Civil and Structural Engineering, Computational Design and Coding. Gain insights and knowledge from emerging building industry experts and get the opportunity to discover and explore the BIM methodologies and the latest technological developments in software and project management.
Program and Mentors
In case you missed it, we have now announced 3 of our 7 industry expert mentors for the event:
Frederic Beaupere (read his interview here!)
Mostafa El Ayoubi (read his interview here!)
Claudio Vittori Antisari (read his interview here!)
David Delgado Vendrell (interview coming soon)
Diane Ramage (interview coming soon)
Kelly Cone & Conor Shaw (interview coming soon)
Look out for these interviews to be announced soon!
Mentors dedicate their time to BILT Academy participants by sharing their knowledge and experience in their various areas of expertise.
A grateful thank you to our host with the most! A big shout out to Michael McGuire of the New College Lanarkshire, Motherwell Campus for paving the way and hosting the BILT Academy Summit in his school! We couldn’t make it without you! Like the summit itself – the catering will also be provided by students for students by the New College Lanarkshire Culinary School!
Be fast and don’t miss the date! Registration is now open for the BILT Academy Summit at the Lanarkshire College Motherwell on October the 8th 2019. Registration cost: 35 Euros
Check out the program online and the pricing page with details on how to register here
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