BILT ANZ 2020 – COVID-19 Update

To the BILT ANZ Community,
It will come as no surprise that COVID-19 has and will impact DBEI events in 2020. Like many of you, our team has been monitoring what is a rapidly changing situation for some weeks now. We felt it was time to communicate with you and be transparent about our position.
The timing of BILT ANZ 2020 in mid-to-late June means it may yet need to be postponed or cancelled. At this point, we are monitoring and responding to governmental and health authority advice, as well as exploring alternative ways we can still provide value to our community, beyond that which relies on physical presence.
Our events team, RTC Events Management, based in Sydney, has adopted the social distancing measures endorsed by the Australian Government and is now working remotely for the foreseeable future.
Current projections of how long COVID-19 will impact social interactions vary, and we remain optimistic that we can proceed. We very much want to be able to run BILT ANZ 2020 as planned, but as the situation is still evolving, we will hold off on any decisions related to postponement or cancellation for a further two weeks.
We understand that uncertainty is not easy to deal with, but be assured that the safety and well-being of our community both local and global is of utmost importance to DBEI.
Thank you for your continued support of BILT ANZ and DBEI. As a not-for-profit community organization, we truly appreciate your patience and understanding and will be in touch again in the coming weeks.
Chris Needham,
Stay social. follow #DBEI