BILT ANZ Committee Addition!

As event chair, it is my privilege to announce our latest member of the BILT ANZ committee! Many of you who have attended in past years will already know her, and she has a great rap sheet as evidence of her past achievements. She’s one half of @NZBIMChicks on Twitter – the other half (Michelle Leonard) having served on the committee some years back. She’ll be transitioning into Speaker Manager role under the guidance of Clay Hickling.
Her bio reads as follows:
As the National BIM Manager at Jasmax, Melanie leads BIM integration in Jasmax, furthermore researching additional tools to aide collaboration with consultants and works closely alongside project teams to improve documentation output.
Melanie’s passion for developing systems and protocols to enhance the delivery of projects has aided the increased efficiency of BIM across the practice, and she generously extends her own knowledge back into industry. She continues to be an active committee member on New Zealand’s regional BIM user groups, is on the NZIA BIM working group along with being a key contributor to the New Zealand BIM handbook.
I thought it would be good for the community she’ll serve to understand her more than what her bio says about her, so fired a couple of questions her way:
Chris: What makes you tick? What inspires you?
Mel: Well, lots of coffee, it must be said. But other than that – helping others to reach their potential, providing guidance and mentoring
Chris: What are you passionate about, within our industry?
Mel: Being able to make a difference through creating efficiency, both at a practice and industry level.
Chris: What made you want to be on the BILT ANZ committee?
Mel: Why wouldn’t I want to work with a great bunch of people, all wanting to make a difference to the industry and built environment community? I saw this as a good opportunity for me to step up and potentially out of my comfort zone; to be more vocal, but with support of those who I look up to within the industry
Chris: What will you bring to the team/event/community?
Mel: Quite a few kiwi-isms I’m sure.
Chris: Sweet as! Choice!
Mel: Your kiwi accent needs some work 😉
Chris: 🙁
Chris: Any other things to add?
Mel: I enjoy each BILT event I go to. I’m not sure they ever will be the same without my kiwi off-sider, Michelle, but each is an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals wanting to make a difference to our industry, sharing experiences and more.
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