BILT ANZ Program Highlights

I can’t believe it’s not yet Christmas, but we are already able to bring you the first of our program announcements! Thanks to our wonderful event manager Ellie Mihalarias and our speaker manager Clay Hickling, we are super organised this year and the majority of our speakers are already signed up. If you are a speaker and haven’t yet accepted your position, please do so ASAP so we can work towards finalising the program – because REGISTRATION WILL OPEN ON 14 JANUARY!!! So start getting prepared now. The first step being to get your companies approval to attend. Our hint for how to get your boss to approve your attendance – ask at the Christmas party! One committee member actually admits to having successfully had a trip to North America approved using this tactic. If you need some more serious tactics though, you can always check out this previous blog post on the topic.
So back to the program, as always we have three amazing days of sessions coming together for you. Early highlights include a mix of local and international speakers covering topics across all of our streams. In particular we are pleased to be able to announce we will have a very strong Business Strategy and Leadership stream this year. This stream will cover both non-technical and technical classes with both Mark Jeffery and Katherine Mair returning for sessions on leadership and personal development, as well as some exciting additional new speakers still to be announced. Other more BIM focused classes in this stream will include Bilal Succar “The BIMe Initiative – knowledge sharing and open source tools” and “Implementing a Digital Practice: Looking Beyond BIM Management” with Steve Nonis and Ellen Bensky.
Popular return speakers include Joe Banks bringing us “Cutting edge prefabrication in the Australian market”, Deepak Maini returns with one of his popular Navisworks labs “Navisworks Clash Detection: Saving Time & $$$ by setting up Clash Templates”, Keeley Pomeroy is teaching “Objects on film! Model Content Planning”, Kristian Bursell will be busy with two labs “GDL Group Functions – Create Complex Geometry” and “Create ARCHICAD Accessories Tools in 10 minutes” and our own Adam Sheather is teaching two classes “The day BIM became self aware” and “Workflows on Rails”.
All of this is just for starters. Over January and February we will have many more announcements to come so keep an eye on this blog and our social media announcements.
As always the difficulty will be deciding which classes to attend!
Ceilidh Higgins
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