
BILT ANZ SCHOLARSHIPS – are you part-time, between roles or on parental leave?

By Ceilidh Higgins

We are very pleased to announce that the BILT Scholarships program is back for the second year-round! 

We believe in the power of events to inspire, equip and connect people to think bigger and differently about what is possible in the AEC industry. As part of building a more diverse community, we are offering scholarships to individuals from Australia or New Zealand to attend our BILT ANZ 2020 conference in Sydney, where you can:  

  • Step out of your daily routines
  • Mix with leaders in the digital construction industry in the ANZ region
  • Build new connections both within the region and beyond
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Be inspired to think bigger and differently about their work
  • contribute your voice and perspective to national and international conversation

We are aiming to make these opportunities available to a diverse array of people – across sectors and demographics. Our scholarship programs are open to people employed on a part-time or casual basis, on maternity or paternity leave, or not currently employed. You can apply yourself or you can nominate someone else from your team. 

Over the last few years, BILT ANZ have been working hard to address diversity and the number of women who attend our event. We want to create opportunities for those who might be disadvantaged in being selected to attend a three-day event by their employer. 

We have therefore decided to create a limited number of scholarships to provide more opportunity for part-time workers or those currently not working, which, based on correlation with the female gender will see more women able to attend.  The scholarships program is open to everyone, regardless of gender – as part of the application process you need to provide evidence of your part-time status, or that you are not currently employed. 

This is an inspirational opportunity to immerse yourself in three days of technology and learning. You’ll come away inspired to contribute to change the future of our industry. With close to 100 classes over three days covering BIM, Revit, ArchiCAD, Dynamo as well as leadership and management skills, you’ll be sure to find classes relevant to your employment or studies. 

Each scholarship includes complimentary registration for all three (3) days of BILT ANZ 2020 (which includes all social events). Flights and accommodation (if required) are not included – they are the responsibility of the applicant / their employer. So, for those who live in Sydney – no excuse not to apply! 

Scholarship applications will close on 30 April 2020, with selected applicants to be advised by 7 May. To apply or to find out more,  

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