Calling for Volunteers – Free Attendance at BILT for Students!

If you have attended BILT in the last few years, you may have noticed a small army of helpers in red shirts. These are our student volunteers who assist with registration, scanning delegate passes and generally running about the venue helping our committee and events team to ensure you have the best experience at our BILT event.
And as BILT continues to grow bigger, they are critical to helping us run smoothly, especially the day before the event when there is a myriad of set-up tasks to be crammed into just one day. Our events wouldn’t be a success without the contribution from our fantastic team of volunteers.
Maybe you are not a student yourself – but have a few bright up and coming BIM stars working in your own practice or you tutor at a University/TAFE – share this with them and encourage them to apply.
What do volunteers get out of working at our BILT events?
In return for four days of a bit of work (we can promise more than 10000 steps a day) the real benefit is attendance at BILT itself. During session times there is not so much going on, so our volunteers will get to attend their pick of classes across the three-day event. They will get to hear what is happening in the industry, learn software tips and trips as well as get the opportunity to meet and network with high profile industry professionals.
That’s a pretty cool benefit for someone just starting out in the field. Imagine how excited you would have been as an enthusiastic student to have this kind of opportunity. It’s also a great way to get your foot in the door and chat with prospective employers!
We’ll also keep all volunteers fed with food and drinks available throughout each day, as well as attendance at our social events. These social events are highly recommended as they are a great place to continue to network.
Who can apply and what do we expect?
Volunteers must be full-time students and available from 9am – 5pm, Wednesday 17 June to Saturday 20 June. On Wednesday, which is the day before BILT, will be the busiest day as volunteers will be assisting the events team and committee set-up for the event. On the Thursday, we may need volunteers onsite slightly earlier to assist with managing registration and delegates arriving. During the event their main role is scanning badges, although they may be asked to assist with other tasks when required. Once badges have been scanned, volunteers will be able to attend classes.
So, if you are an up and coming AEC student, or know a student looking to get their start in the AEC industry, make sure they register their interest in volunteering at BILT ANZ this year at the ICC Sydney. Apply here:
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