Can you hack it?

In case you missed it, applications are still open for the DBEI Hackathon North America! Join us in Seattle for the newly revised dates, Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 July for what is going to be a fantastic and innovative event.
With the theme “Generative Design in Practice”, whether you have an idea of how things should work in AEC, want to try out your visual programming or coding skills with a team, or want to bring requirements for generative design workflows from your business, we’re interested in your contribution. You bring the laptop, we’ll bring the coffee and meals, and perhaps a couple of surprise guests to help you get going. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
The Teams
We are excited to announce “competitors” from HOK, NBBJ, LMN Architects, Katerra, Parallax Team, Autodesk, IMAGINiT Technologies, plus more! So if you think you can “hack it out” and want to join a team, or even form your own make sure you let us know!
Expert Users here to help
Available during the hackathon we have a number of expert users available to lend a hand. Maybe you have specific software question? These are the people here to help!
Jason Oliveira, Principal Experience Designer, Autodesk: who leads experience design for Project Refinery, Autodesk’s emerging generative design solution for the AEC industry. Before joining Autodesk, he was a practicing architect on a range of civic and mixed use projects.
Craig Long, Software Development Manager, Autodesk: an expert in computational design and believes in designing buildings one line of code at a time.
Ian Keough, CEO/Founder, Hypar: known affectionately as the godfather of Dynamo, Ian’s specialties include – Automation for AEC, Programming Design and Implementation, IFC, Generative Design & Computational Design.
Plus two special guests from McNeel to be revealed!
The Winning Teams will be rewarded with prizes:
1st – $300 Amazon gift card per member plus invitation to present your winning project at the BILT NA closing plenary on Saturday July 20
2nd – $150 Amazon gift card per member
3rd – $50 Amazon gift card per member
If you have yet to apply make sure you do so ASAP to reserve your spot! We look forward to seeing you there!
Stay social. follow #DBEI