
Data Day Celebrates its Fifth Birthday

By Tammy Adolf

Although it’s sad that we can’t host our annual in-person gathering for Data Day at Digital Built Week North America amid the current pandemic, I’m happy to say we are moving forward with Data Day 2020 as an online event. 

As the Chairperson of this committee, I place a great deal of confidence in our 2020 program for the remainder of the year and believe our attendees will be pleased with the same high-quality content they have received over the last four years. We have organised a full line-up of speakers and presentations with each session in two-hour blocks, over the course of four days in July in hopes that this will allow our attendees to stay alert and engaged and avoid video-conferencing fatigue.

It is also our hope that our broad range of data-centric presentations and round tables will appeal to the wider DBEI audience, and the team have worked collaboratively to ensure there’s no overlapping times of the various DBEI online events. Registration information will be shared soon with registration expected to open in the week commencing July 20th.

Data Day has turned five this year and I am looking forward to being able to engage with our community through virtual means, which now includes additional online events, and through the (soon to be announced) DBEI Membership. Take care and we hope to “see” you soon!

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