
Day 2 – Practical solutions to the content problems we all have

Welcome back to our rundown of the second day of the Building Content Summit (BCS) stream. If you missed the first part (spoiler alert: Day 1 is all about perspectives and insights go have a read here).

We will open with none other than Jon Mirtschin, Director of Geometry Gym and board member of BuildingSmart Australasia. His session ‘Object Libraries, Why Aren’t They Common’ takes it’s foundation in the fact that presently BIM Content and Object Libraries are the source of large challenges and frustration to Suppliers, Manufacturers, Industry Bodies and Designers alike. A lot of BIM content is created and then typically recreated by end users. This presentation suggests how this can be overcome using openBIM.

Jon will demonstrate suggestions for how to manage and supply common content, to increase it’s usage by deferring a lot of the inputs such as templates, naming and styling. By using OpenBIM IFC as a source definition, it can even by used across multiple authoring applications (although the emphasis on this presentation will be Revit). This can circumvent the requirement to support specific BIM applications and versions of the application that presently hamper library provision. This is a unique opportunity to learn from one of the gurus in the digital built environment.

Next up, we have Vincent Bleyenheuft from CADatwork, who will teach you how to use mathematics to unlock the hidden potential of Revit Families. While most are well versed in using the family editor to create simple parametric objects, this class will focus on complex and dynamic objects – a field considered complicated if not nearly impossible by most. Vincent will teach how mathematics combined with every day modelling techniques help us overcome these difficulties. This class is destined to be a shining example of how BILT makes all aspects of BIM practical.

The last two sessions of Building Content Summit 2019 is a double blockbuster. We have asked two of our American family members (who also happen to be excellent teachers and extraordinary subject matter experts), Desirée and Brian Mackey to put together a two-part class, aptly titled ‘From our Family to Yours’. In this double session we will not only discuss Revit’s family editor, but dive deep into the good and bad examples of content across disciplines. At the end of this class, you will have a better understanding of the process to create more stable families, and how to evaluate families you do not personally create. This knowledge aids content creation in several ways, including safeguarding them from breaking during upgrades, corrupting files, or just being generally annoying. Through the various examples we will also share a variety of tools and tips for creating custom content.

And with that, we wrap up this years BCS. It’s a unique possibility for both managers and people on the front line to get perspectives and state of the art insights on the first day. We believe that good content is essential to drive value and efficiencies throughout the value chain.

Are you up for the challenge? See you in Edinburgh – its going to be quite a ride!

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