Gain Insight and Drive Action by Data
Blog by Arif Hanif, Data Day Committee
In a world of exponentially increasing access to data; creating concise, engaging, and actionable stories is critical for data driven decision making in your business.
We will have two great labs this year that help you with collecting data and visualizing it to gain business insight.
Masha Pekurovsky from Stantec will be conducting a lab titled DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS WITH MICROSOFT POWERAPPS.
The objectives of the lab will be:
1. Learn about potential use-cases for data collection and data Visualization with PowerApps features.
2. Acquire the ‘Know-How’ basics of setting up a PowerApp from scratch.
3. Leveraging Data Collection features within PowerApps for interaction with SharePoint Lists.
4. Review PowerApps features for integration with PowerBI.
Kyle Martin from Gensler and Jess Purcell from Shepley Bulfinch will be doing a lab called GAIN INSIGHT AND DRIVE ACTION BY TELLING BETTER DATA STORIES IN POWERBI.
The objectives of the lab will be:
1. Familiarity with what PowerBI does and how Visualizations are made
2. Recognizing the importance of data structure and organization earlier in the process
3. Establishing a strategy that facilitates continuous updating and flexibility along the entire data to dashboard pipeline
4. Critical understanding of how interactive Visualizations can be used to create compelling and actionable dashboards
After these two labs you may have a very good understanding on how you can use the robust Microsoft platform for data collections, analysis and visualization.
Hope to see you all at Data Day 2019, 17-18 July, Hyatt Regency Seattle.
See the full schedule here.
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