To be the best – be the best: Why speak at BILT Europe

In October we are all going to embrace the highlander spirit at BILT Europe, in Edinburgh, Scotland but only together will we make this a truly fantastic event.
BILT Europe is known for hosting the most renown professionals of the industry, but also for introducing the new emerging experts every year. You can be one of those and join this unique community by submitting an abstract here till 29th January.
Read what our top speakers from 2018 in Ljubljana have to say about why they spoke at BILT and why it was so beneficially to them! Follow their lead!

“Speaking at a conference forces you to solidify your knowledge and position on a given topic or workflow. Speaking at BILT surrounds you with supportive peers, often equally talented, who can validate what you profess, or challenge it in a meaningful way. Speaking makes you a better speaker, and bolsters personal growth… so just do it already!”
Daniel Stine, LHB

“BILT has always been a highlight of my year: Talking to inspiring people and learning at great talks, classes and discussions! But speaking at BILT, triggers many more of these great interactions!”
Frédéric Beaupère, LEGENDRE

“I’m really glad that I decided to submit an abstract to BiLT Europe last year because speaking in Ljubljana was a great experience. It gave me the impetus to push my project further to try and make my presentation as good as I could possibly make it. I learned a lot, both preparing for my talk and at the conference itself, and I met many interesting and engaging people. I came away inspired to go further.”
Thomas Corrie, Hopkins

“Summing up speaking at BILT in one word, rewarding. It is really hard work, but worth it in every way. The best is the common shared interest in sharing among the speakers and delegates all alike!”
Jostein Berger Olsen, Sweco

“My experience was that this community of BIM professionals was a fantastic experience, The event was extremely well organised with a multitude of people who are extremely well advanced in their BIM process, innovation was very high at the event with many of the world’s most fantastic speakers enlightening the whole event with their experiences in business and in BIM, extremely helpful in understanding process and a fantastic experience overall. Thank you to all my BIM Colleagues, I hope you got from my presentation as much as I got from yours”
Tony Woods, Midland Steel

“BIM events often focus on “what” you can do with software. The BILT conference focuses on the “why and how” you tackle challenges in virtual design and construction. BILT is a social function with a unique relaxed atmosphere. You learn many things and make new relationships in only a few days. Speaking at BILT makes yourself, your team and the BILT community more aware of the choices in information modelling. A BILT contribution could result in generic applicable knowledge for performance improvement on real projects. Modelling knowledge supports your team with better information, less decisions for the client and better performance on projects. I am looking forward for new learning opportunities on BILT Europe 2019. See you in Edinburgh.”
Maarten van den Berg, Infranea

“I’ve been lucky enough to speak at over 100 events worldwide, and as a speaker I find none are better than BiLT. The attendees would be speakers at any other event, and that give speakers the freedom to dive into topics and concepts that would be too advanced for other conferences. There is no better conference to be a speaker at.”
Kelly Cone, ClearEdge3D

“BILT is a great event that combines both academic research and industrial applications in the world of BIM. Through attending BILT, I got the chance to push the boundaries of my current knowledge of what is possible in the construction industry. I was a first-time presenter at BILT where I was consistently helped by both the organisers and like-minded professionals who were always supporting my research.”
Mariam Osman, KPF

“The BILT conference has always been a great event to meet world class industry professionals and exchange insight into cutting edge technology implementations. BILT is definitely an event where you feel like a part of a community that is willing to help you gain new knowledge and excel. This is the reason why I have attended and/or presented at six different RTC/BILT events over the past few years and can’t wait to attend my next one!””
Martin Coyne, KPF
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