Is it time to review your choices?

It is that time of year again. Registrations for Digital Built Week (DBW) have been open for a month, you raced through your registration to try and get that first registration prize, and now it is time to actually evaluate your sessions and figure out what to attend. The bad news is that there is a ton of amazing content to take in while you are in Seattle for DBW. The good news is I’m here to help you make some amazing choices when it comes to selecting some of that content; in particular, the BCS roundtables.
If you have attended the Building Content Summit in the past you will know that the roundtables are an amazing part of the event, allowing you to sit-down in a small group setting with 10-12 of your peers and participate in the conversation. Representing manufacturers, content providers, designers, and owners, these sessions cover some great topics that can actually make a difference in your day-to-day work and help influence the future of content in the AEC world.
In order of appearance, here are a few sessions that I personally am interested in:
Session 1.3: Do Graphic Standards Still Matter in a BIM-Centric World (Adam Murray, CannonDesign)
Synopsis: Technology is changing the way teams communicate building information. BIM enables the model as a deliverable, but the construction industry moves slowly, and we are collectively trapped in a grey area of model versus paper drawing, begging the question what role do graphic standards play in the world of BIM.
Honestly – this is the one session I am most interested in for the entire event. I learned on a drafting board, and now I fight with people all day long about why things should or should not display a certain way. I’m ready for the information to matter more than the thickness of a line.
Session 1.4: BIM for Owners: Setting the Standards to Ensure the Outcome (Sheena Shook and Sara Troy, Modulus Consulting)
Synopsis: We have been working with Owners to define BIM model uses, the guidelines that support those uses and the workflow diagrams to communicate it all. Our presentation is meant to share the lessons learned with Owners at various stages of BIM adoption.
At the end of the day, we are all working towards a singular goal: To have a building that will be used and (hopefully) enjoyed every day it is in use over the life of the facility. All the inter-office standards and workflows don’t matter once the building is up. Do you want to help influence the owners you work with to create better models, and by proxy better buildings? Then this is the place to be.
Session 2.4: Roundtable: Why Has Construction Been Slow to Go Digital? (Justin DeMarco, BASF)
Synopsis: BIM is nearing its Golden (50th) anniversary but yet to deliver on the true promise of what it could be… but why? This course reviews the shortcomings with Manufacturer data. It’s not completely their (our) fault… so let’s talk about how we all can help.
Does your office hate manufacturer content? Here is your opportunity to sit down with a manufacturer and get down and dirty on why firms don’t like manufacturer content, and how to help shift the paradigm by improving the content that is being provided.
All said – there are a ton of great roundtables to look at, and I can’t cover them all here, so go look through the schedule and sign up for a few more before they fill up (again.)
Haven’t registered yet? Make sure you get in quick before all these classes fill up! Register Here
See you in Seattle!
Chad Clary, BCS Committee
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