
Meet the Committee (ANZ edition)

We asked the BILT ANZ Committee a couple of questions so you could all get to know them a bit better leading up to BILT ANZ 2022 this November on the Gold Coast!

First up is the ANZ Chair, Chris Needham:

Chris Needham

(ANZ Regional Chair)

  1. If you could travel to any city in the world right now, where would you go?
    Somewhere in Europe, I reckon. Maybe back to San Sebastian or Barcelona.
  2. What are you most looking forward to at BILT ANZ Sydney?
    Seeing so many familiar faces – and some new ones.  It’s been far too long!
  3. What is your dream job?
    I’m pretty happy with my job just now – but I guess being a test driver for Bugatti remains a dream for this year.
  4. If you could have done anything in 2020/21 (if Covid never existed) what would you have done?
    I would have travelled to a bunch of overseas destinations, and possibly started to renovate my next house.
  5. What has been your favourite moment from past DBEI events? (a particular speaker, session or social event etc…)
    Well, those that were there will understand, but I thought Ashraf’s party in Brisbane was pretty good. It was a great way to cap off a successful event, and is unlikely ever to be repeated.
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