Meet the Expert Users – On hand to help you “Hack it Out!’

Join us in Edinburgh, 9th October for the DBEI Europe Hackathon one-day sprint event, one day prior to the Digital Built Week Europe (BILT + BCS).
If you have never attended a Hackathon before and would like to “try it out” then this is the perfect environment. Experts will be on hand during the day to help with any ‘hack’ questions you may have.
Remember you are not on your own, as well as the Expert Users, team-members are also there to help.
Meet two of our Expert Users:
Zachary Kron, Senior Designer, Autodesk: Senior Product Manager at Autodesk, Generative Design Group. Since 2007 Zach has researched, strategized and helped implement parametric and computational design tools and workflows primarily for the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction industries.
Kean Walmsley, Autodesk Research – He joined Autodesk in 1995 and has worked in a number of Autodesk offices around the world – in the UK, the US, India and Switzerland – and in a number of roles, both technical and management-focused. He spent several years working in the Autodesk Developer Network and four years as a Software Architect for the AutoCAD product line. (Learn more on his Blog Site, “Through the Interface” here)
The Teams
Get a team together to register, or register and then allow us to help you form a team.
Hear from one of our Hackathon NA 2019 ‘hackers’!
“This was my first Hackathon and it was a blast! I really didn’t know what to expect going in and was a little worried about my “hacking” skills. However, there were people of all skill levels and experts and other team members were very helpful and supportive. It was a great learning experience and I hope to do it again soon!” Carl Storms, IMAGINiT Technologies
Watch the Winning Presentation!
Delegate Price: €50.00
Student Price: €25.00
Stay social. follow #DBEI