
There’s Strength in Numbers – and a Discount!

A little bit of planning goes a long way. Of course we don’t mind if you’d like to pay full price to attend this year’s conference in Seattle. On the other hand if you spend a little time reaching out to a few colleagues and registering as a group you can each save about $200 or about 10% off each of your registrations.

Think about it – what could you do with $200? Well, depending on where you’re traveling from you now get free transportation to the conference (stay weird Portland! :). Or consider it a complementary hotel night at the conference. If you saw $200 laying on the ground would you leave it there or pick it up? Heck – if you invested $200 of Apple stock 20 years ago it would be worth about $20,000 now! So $200 goes a long way!

In order to register for group registration, use the discount code GROUP5 or use the link found on the pricing page over here:

But whatever you do please register soon! Classes are filling up and if you’d like to be certain that your desired sessions are available please register today in order to lock in your selections. This is especially true for labs which tend to fill up rather quickly leaving standing room and bring your own device in the back of the lab.

So what are you waiting for? Text your colleagues and save $200!

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