Webinar: There and Back Again: The BIM Journey of one project over 7 years

Date: Wednesday 6 May 2020
Time: 1:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 60 mins including Q+A
The complexity of integrated different delivery teams which had over the course seven years; One PM, One Architect, Two Design teams, Two Builders, 1 BIM Consultant, 2 Construction BIM Managers. Why BIM?
Charles and David will look at the ongoing development of Clients BIM requirements from 2013 to the present. They will take you through the initial thoughts on what the client aimed to achieve and why they thought BIM was the solution, what was actually wanted versus what they needed.
Charles and David will provide an outline of the project and discuss the different stages and why and how the BIM requirements were able to evolve. What were the challenges that the PM had to overcome at each step along the way? The clients drive and persistence in pushing for more as each stage was delivered has created an ongoing opportunity for this project.
Managing Director
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