Ceilidh Higgins
Senior Workplace Strategist
Ceilidh’s speciality is work – both the places we work and the way we work. She specialises in workplace strategy and design, delivering workplace projects from as small as 5 people through to upwards of 1000 people. She is involved across all project phases from proposal stage through to post construction. She also has experience across a wide range of sectors including government, laboratories, healthcare and transport. Outside of work, Ceilidh researches, writes and speculates on the future of work – both as a place and the processes of working within the AEC industry – and the impacts of technology upon both. You can find her writing at themidnightlunch.com. Ceilidh was an early adopt of Revit for interior design and is a well known presenter at RTC. You might also know her alter ego “Stu BIMinions”.
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