Dhanjeet Sah

National BIM Manager

Dhanjeet Sah has 18 years of industry experience, mentoring industry professionals in adopting BIM/CAD/CG techniques to set up real-world production pipelines and workflows while integrating multiple applications for a specific task. He has also worked for numerous projects, including Design, visualization, 3D animation/compositing, and BIM/CAD consulting for various multinationals and government organizations.

Working as a National BIM Manager at Rothelowman, his main role is to provide BIM implementation, consulting and training for internal staffs across offices nationally to develop workflows that achieve higher levels of collaboration and efficient design through the use of Revit, AutoCAD, 3ds Max and other applications/technologies. His passion and in depth understanding of collaborative technology and its application, combined with his broad technical experience, assists him in successfully integrating BIM/CAD into Rothelowman projects.

He is also an AutoCAD, Revit Architecture, and 3ds Max software (since 3ds Max software 4) Certified Professional/Instructor from Autodesk. He has worked as Autodesk Certified Instructor in Autodesk Authorized training since 1998 till 2015. He has been alpha/beta tester for AutoCAD, 3ds max, Revit since 2004. He has spoken and conducted workshops for several Autodesk reseller’s events in the UAE, Singapore, Nepal, Australia, Sydney Build, RUGS and at Autodesk University Las Vegas. He has experience working in a variety of countries, including Australia, Singapore, UAE and Nepal.
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