BILT ANZ Scholarships Program
We believe in the power of events to inspire, equip and connect people to think bigger and think differently about what is possible in our industry.
We offer scholarships for individuals from Australia or New Zealand to attend our BILT ANZ 2019 conference in Melbourne, where they can:
– Step out of their daily routines;
– Build new connections both within the region and beyond;
– Develop leadership skills;
– Be inspired to think bigger and think differently about their work, and;
– Contribute their voices and perspectives to national and international conversations.
Each scholarship includes complimentary registration for all three (3) days of BILT ANZ 2019 (including social events), valued at $2,250 AUD. Flights and accommodation (if required) are the responsibility of the applicant.
We hope to make these opportunities available to a diverse array of people possible, across sectors and demographics. These scholarships are for:
– People employed on a part-time or casual basis, on maternity/paternity leave or not currently employed; or
– Full-time Students
Our student scholarships have been generously sponsored by Autodesk User Group International (AUGI).
We invite you to apply for the experience/s you would benefit from and contribute to the most. For further information about BILT ANZ including the full program, visit our website.
If you have questions about event scholarships, please email us at
Application Process
Applications may be submitted via the online form
- Applications must provide a letter from the applicant’s employer (on company letterhead) confirming part-time / casual / maternity leave status, or;
- In the event that the applicant is unemployed, applicants must include name of most recent employer and date employment ceased.
- Applications for student scholarships must provide written evidence of enrollment (from the institution) for Semester 1 2019 in an Australian or New Zealand Tertiary Institution.
Selection Criteria
Mandatory: Letter from employer and evidence of eligibility to work in ANZ (e.g. passport, birth certificate, visa).
Applicants must answer the following questions (maximum of 300 words):
1. Why do you want to attend BILT ANZ 2019? Or if nominating someone else – Why do you think this person should attend BILT ANZ 2019?
2. Why will attending BILT help you achieve your professional goals?
3. How will you share what you learned at BILT with your peers/colleagues/industry?
Key Dates
Applications close at 11.59 AEST on Wednesday 30 April, 2019. Recipients will be advised of the outcome by 7 May 2019. The conference runs from 23 – 25 May 2019 at Crown Convention Centre, Melbourne.
Terms and Conditions
- Applications can be submitted by individuals seeking to win the scholarship or submitted on behalf of a nominee (with their permission)
- Each scholarship includes complimentary registration for all three (3) days of BILT ANZ 2019, valued at $2,250 AUD. Flights and accommodation (if required) are the responsibility of the applicant and/or their employer.
- Eligibility is limited to:
- For part time / non employed scholarships: People employed on a part-time or casual basis (32 hours or less per week), on maternity leave or not currently in employment.
- For student scholarships: Full time students at Australian or New Zealand tertiary institutions
- Those people legally eligible to work in Australia or New Zealand.
- Scholarship recipients must commit to attending the full three-day program of BILT ANZ 2019.
- Successful applicants will be required to write a blog post for the BILT blog within 4 weeks of the conference. This post will be up to 1000 words and subject to editorial review by the BILT ANZ committee, who reserve the right not to publish the post.
- The scholarships will be awarded after consideration of each of the responses by the BILT ANZ 2019 committee. Selection may also take into account diversity in types of professional practice or study.
- Selection will be undertaken by BILT ANZ 2019 committee, and all such decisions are final.
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