Sponsorship Opportunities
If you haven’t already, secure your position today to experience the difference our platform delivers. Sponsors gain meaningful client engagement and bottom line return on investment from tier one industry participants, many returning year on year, location to location due to the results they receive from event partnership.

BILT is back! Engage global Architecture, Engineering Construction practice and technology leadership with your solutions as a Sponsor of our unique 2024 physical events.
Secure your opportunity today!

BILT is recognised globally as THE premier event for design and construction technology professionals and focuses on the use of BIM tools, VDC processes and workflows, as well as project and practice strategies and leadership skills. Held over 3 days, the event comprises of classes taught by recognised APAC and global industry experts and offers a level of instruction and insight of tools and workflows not available anywhere else.
Secure your position today to experience the difference our platform delivers. Sponsors gain meaningful client engagement and bottom line return on investment from tier one industry participants, many returning year on year, location to location due to the results they receive from event partnership.

Digital Built Environment Institute provides an environment for the AECO/FM community to connect, learn and engage. Like you, DBEI Community members are passionate about improving workflows, finding better solutions, keeping relevant and challenging the status quo. DBEI is renowned for its following of high caliber AEC professionals, attracting thought leaders, early adopts and those all important decision makers and influencers. Our community recognises the importance of industry partnes and the significance of their solutions in achieving increased productivity, efficiency and an overall better built environment. Come and be a part of our community.

Digital Built Environment Institute is actively involved in a multitude of regional and global professional associations. Whether your industry is focused on architecture, engineering, construction or operations of buildings and infrastructure, our community is ready to share its knowledge with other like minded professionals. We are committed to leading positive change to the global climate. We aim to do this by improving productivity, efficiency and sustainability for the built environment and AECO industry. We are a universal voice—not constrained by discipline, software platform, geography, or politics. We’re a community run by its members for its members. You won’t find another community like ours.

Media Representatives are welcome to attend any of our events whether conference, virtual or webinar. If your readership is focused on architecture, engineering, construction or operations of buildings and infrastructure, our community is ready to share its valuable firsthand experiences. We’re here to help you promote a smarter industry, stronger community and more sustainable environment.

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