Biggest and Best

This is now my third year writing this blog for BILT and every year I always write about how this will be the best BILT ANZ ever. This is not just because my role on the committee is to market the event – but because I really do believe it’s true! The committee and the events team at DBEI are committed to making sure every year the event gets better and better – and that to all of you – it looks like a smooth and professional production where not much panic happens behind the scenes (and some days that’s true!)
One week out from the event, we already have hit the 500 registrations mark which means that this Melbourne event is officially our biggest event ever – and the first time in almost 10 years that QLD has given up front-runner – to date our three biggest events have all been held in QLD. Good work Melbourne!!! We also have our biggest ever class line up with over 100 classes spread across the three days.
So what do we have left to announce for next week…not very much but I will sum up some of the important new features and announcements we have made in recent weeks. \
Just a reminder today (15 May) is the last day to finalise your session selections and social functions attendance!
Your social events attendance and Session Selections are shown when you login to your registration. Please let us know if you plan on attending the Social Functions (if it is not listed within your registration record, we assume you’re not attending.). Likewise, if a function is listed and you don’t plan on attending, please let us know at the registration desk so we can cater appropriately.
For your ease and convenience, your BILT ANZ name badge will be available on Wed 22 May from 2:00pm – 5:30pm on the ground floor of the Crown Conference Centre. If you are available, we highly recommend that you make use of this and pick up your registration packs early to avoid the rush on Thursday morning.
If you haven’t heard – we have a hackathon running in the lead up to the event. Running on May 20 and 21 the theme for the event is “Generative Design in Practice” and you can find more details here. If you haven’t registered for this year, you will still get to find out all about it at the Wrap Up session on Saturday afternoon where the winning teams will present their work.
If you haven’t seen it – we have now announced our two keynote speakers. On day 1 we have the amazing Jordan Nguyen and on day 2 we have Joel De Ross. More info about these two speakers can be found here.
On Saturday afternoon, (speakers in particular) will also find themselves with a little more breathing time as well as plenty of time to get all dressed up for Casino Royale. We have reduced the Saturday class schedule by one session in order to make this last day a bit more relaxing.
If you have been missing Glorious Gadgets – this session has now been revived as a regular program session. You will find it at Session 2.5 run by Joe Banks “Geeks Tech Talk”.
Our other focus this year has of course been on our scholarships program. Whilst its too late to apply for this year, make sure you congratulate any of the winners you meet and think about who you might nominate from your team for next year.
We take your comments, criticism and feedback very seriously (you might even find us making notes at the bar very late at night if you tell us something insightful). So next week keep this in mind and make sure you tell us about how wonderful your BILT ANZ experience has been, but also what we can do to make it even better next year.
And of course the next announcement we will all be waiting for…you still have to wait till the conference wrap up to find out where BILT ANZ 2020 will be!
Stay social. follow #DBEI