
BILT Academy Mentor Announcement 3

I am very glad to announce the third mentor for the upcoming BILT Academy Summit 2019 who is going to mentor the class Design to BIM, BIM Strategy and Model Management!


Claudio Vittori Antisari


Claudio has a master’s degree in architecture and is specialized in BIM and Computational Design. He is the founder of Strategie Digitali srl a Computational BIM and Project Management consulting firm based in Milan, Italy. During his last 10 years of experience, he has had the opportunity to work in different BIM roles in different world areas: from BIM researcher to BIM consultant up to BIM manager. This exposure has given him a deep understanding of the BIM process for architectural offices. Nowadays he spends most of his time helping companies improving efficiency and effectiveness in building design. He participates actively in the BIM national and international debate, taking part in BIM-related events and conferences, participating in university research groups, and giving his consultancy to governance projects. 


The BILT Conference in one of the most important events for professionals in the construction industry aiming to improve their knowledge in Digital Design Technologies and to meet people from everywhere in the world. Nowadays there are very few places that can keen a friendly and open atmosphere and at the same time while delivering high-level classes and contents. For this reason, when I got the invite to teach at BILT Academy I immediately accepted. It will be a pleasure to contribute to show this wonderful environment to the new generation of designers and construction professionals.    

Key Learning Outcome 1 – BIM vs Conceptual Design: Best Friends or Enemies? 

  • Understand advantages and criticalities of BIM when used in the conceptual design phase
  • Learn how to break down a project brief into a series of BIM related objectives. 
  • Understand BIM Model Uses, data and information production for the conceptual design phase. 

Key Learning Outcome 2 – Does your model reflects your ideas? Setting up a BIM Model for the conceptual design stage. 

  • Learn the basics of model management
  • Learn how to translate a BIM Objective into actions on your Revit Model
  • Learn how to create data suitable for the conceptual design stage

Key Learning Outcome 3 – Data evaluation, review and strategies for a better evaluation  

  • Learn how to evaluate data from conceptual design in BIM
  • Learn what is an Asset Model 
  • Learn the real benefits available from a full application of BIM to a conceptual design stage


1. Why is it important in your opinion to connect the Conceptual Design Stage of a project with Building Information Modelling?

There is a big misconception about the usage of BIM in the conceptual design stage, and moreover the usage of design technologies in that stage. We don’t aim to use digital design tool to replace the designer creativity. We need to use BIM in the design stage to produce data-informed design and to use data to evaluate and test our ideas. We want to use data in real-time to improve our design thanks to data-informed decisions. We want to use BIM in this stage to improve democracy in the design stage, with one is the best proposal for a competition? not everything in architecture can be measured, but many factors can be measured, and provide support to choose the better design.      

2. How does Design influence Asset Management in a later project stage?

Well, here the term “garbage in, garbage out” fits very well. In the design stage, we make decisions that will heavily influence the entire life span of a building. Is never too early to start planning of an efficient, comfortable and sustainable building.  

3. What is your personal goal to achieve with teaching/lecturing at the BILT Academy? What should the student learn of it, with which achievement should the student leave your class at the end of the day?

Since my first days in college, I had the luck to meet teachers that always encourage me to share knowledge. They were doing it, and they were pushing students to do the same. In our world sharing knowledge is the key to improve yourself while you are giving your little contribution to improve the world. When I was a student I was really looking at people presenting at BILT as the global organization for professionals in the AEC Industry.  Being part of BILT Academy is an honor for me, and it means a lot. What I can say to the BILT Academy students?  Choose your path, experiment, choose your teacher, do not follow only the traditional path for education. Come to see what I learn in my journey, that the pieces you need and keep growing

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