

DBEI believes in the power and value our community can add to the global conversation about innovation, change and sustainability, and will do everything it can to support and enhance that community. We also will do our utmost to provide a safe and welcoming environment to all people inside and outside that community. We are super excited to be able to welcome our BILT Community back to a face-to-face event. We have certainly missed seeing all of you over the past 2 years. It’s been a tough time for everyone, and it’s high time we return to the strong sense of community and collaboration which comes from our BILT ANZ events.

While I’m sure some of you may be sick of hearing about all things COVID, people do want to know our position on measures to be taken in regard to COVID-19 for the event, so here it is. In short, we recognise that people are responsible for their own health, can make decisions for themselves, and would be considerate of the health of those around them. To keep you safe on site and to ensure that BILT ANZ Sydney can be enjoyed by all in the safest way possible, we ask that you please cooperate with NSW Public Health orders by doing the following to your best efforts:

  • Wash and sanitise your hands regularly
  • Keep a safe distance (approx. 1.5 metres) from other people wherever possible
  • Cover your mouth and nose if coughing and sneezing with your elbow to reduce the chance of transmission
  • Please stay home in the event you are unwell and notify staff
  • Get tested if you feel even slightly unwell and/or experiencing Covid-19 symptoms

You can read more on the NSW Health website here about current Public Health Orders and Restrictions.

On top of this onsite we will:

  • Provide additional hand sanitising stations throughout our spaces
  • Seating in the conference rooms will be spread out where possible allowing additional space between the rows to accommodate social distancing.

If during the Conference, or up to 14 days post-event, you begin to feel unwell or exhibit any symptoms, please:

  • Leave the Conference location immediately
  • Get tested immediately at a COVID-19 Testing Clinic or via a RAT and isolate until you receive a negative result.
  • Follow the directions of your healthcare professional
  • Notify our staff as soon as possible on +61 2 9265 0700 or at if you have tested positive.

If you have any concerns about your onsite experience or would like to contact our team, please email us on

For those coming from interstate – please see the latest news on each state and territory interstate border restrictions below.

Note: DBEI and the Organisers are not responsible for any mandatory quarantine fees and travel and border responsibility rests with the individual arriving in Sydney.


New South Wales 


Australia Capital Territory 

South Australia

Western Australia

Northern Territory


Coming from overseas? Read the latest NSW Government information on requirements for international travel here.

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