BILT Europe Keynote is Here!

BILT is all about enabling you to drive transformation in our industry. To break down the inefficient siloes that have cast dark shadows over our trades for decades. And while digitalization is allowing us to make truly extraordinary advancements for the better of our environment – are we forgetting to give some of the new found efficiency back to ourselves?
Last year, we dedicated our mind-blowing keynote with Dr. Beau Lotto to talk about how we perceive things – and how the mind can play tricks on us as it constantly tries to make sense of the stimuli it’s exposed to. We will continue down this path and focus on why compassion is a way to a more sustainable life and society with our Opening Keynote Presentation sponsored by Bentley, The Overworked Brain by psychologists Vibeke Lunding-Gregersen & Henrik Tingleff.
Why compassion is our way to a more sustainable life and society
Based on the bestselling Danish book ”The Overworked Brain – Why Compassion is our Way to Sustainable Life and Society”, psychologists Vibeke and Henrik will talk about how modern life – in the race for effectiveness, happiness, improvements and high performance – creates problematic working conditions for the human brain. The result is an increase in mental stress and a decrease in the opportunities for creativity and innovation.
Based on scientific data, they argue that the goal of mankind is not to stop improvement or disruption. Nor is it to earn less money, or to just “have a nicer time all the time”. The goal must be to have a more sustainable approach to human life and performance. An approach based on the greatest resource we have: the human brain and its unique capacity for compassion.
In their keynote, they suggest that we stop making up new buzzwords and theories and instead begin to cultivate the old evolutionary winning strategy compassion in our lives, our organisations, in the constant work-life-juggling – in everything we do. That we make room for that which activates and stimulates healthy relations, and thereby re-establish balance. Both in our private and professional lives, and in our brains.
So if you’ve looking for something inspiring and good for your own personal development, make sure you come along! This is sure to be a fantastic presentation that I can’t wait to see!
Haven’t Registered yet? We’re still running our Buy One, Get the Second 50% off!
by Marcus Fich
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