Data Day 2019 – Pick of the Crop

This year we have expanded Data Day to a day and a half, which allows us to provide more labs and add round table options for our attendees.
For a couple of our presentations, attendees will have the option of attending a follow-up Round Table session on Day 2 related to a topic from Day 1, creating opportunity for a more in -depth review and discussion.
We have some great Round Tables lined up this year, and the below two are my pick of the crop, as they will provide a chance to further explore topics from Day 1 and delve deeper, which was one of the requests from our survey of last year’s attendees.
On Day 1 AbdulKareem Elsabeeh, Senior BIM Specialist from DAR will be presenting – Creating Room Data – Layout Sheets are Getting Easier with BIM, which will focus on data collection and visualization, and present easily accessible tools for using a data-centric approach for creating, validating, and delivering project documents (room data sheets, room layout sheet, and specs booklets). On the morning of Day 2 there will be a follow-up Round Table session so attendees can delve deeper in to this topic and various solutions.
On Day 1 Kaiser Permanente will be presenting What if Owners wanted Data Driven Design? which approaches data-driven design from the Owners perspective, and reviews why collaboration is key in order to understand the process to determining what information is needed to operate a facility. At the end of Day 2 there will be a follow-up Round Table session to open this topic up for further discussion.
I’m very much looking forward to attending several Round Table sessions this year and having open discussions and debates with our attendees.
Check out the full schedule to see more!
by Tammy Adolf
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