DBEI Hackathon – The Fruits of Labour

Recently we posted and shared the video of the Winning Team at DBEI Hackathon NA ‘The Clash’ presenting their project at the closing ceremony of Digital Built Week North America 2019. In this article we share what they and the rest of the teams created!
Over 1.5 days, each group in the DBEI Hackathon NA huddled together to come up with a generative design solution that would benefit their work and / or importantly others in the AEC industry. Some attendees came with scripts and worked formed groups to help work on these further, others started from scratch.
At the end of the Hackathon event the teams presented their ‘product’ and with the winner being awarded by our panel of expert judges.
Winners: The Clash
Consisting of Dan Morrison (BIMTelligence), Timon Hazell (Silman), Pragya Gupta – (NBBJ), H’liana Niehrah (NBBJ) and Dan Tartaglia (NBBJ), the goal of the team was to use Generative Design to create multiple solutions for clashes. Then, use machine learning to select the best options with regard to cost, viability, impact on schedule and perceived knock on effects. Information will be displayed using a web-based application for stakeholders to make final decisions.
Check out the clash buster here: https://github.com/clash-buster
2nd Place: Team Hack in Black
Consisting of Jason Boehning, John Pierson, Marcello Sgambelluri, Carl Storms and Adam Thomas, the goal of this team was to explore a way to compile organize and search Dynamo graphs company wide. Project name: The DAM.
Check out the materials on Github here: https://github.com/johnpierson/theDAM
3rd Place: Team Kataclysm
Consisting of Anthonie Kramer (Katerra), Luke Minnich (Katerra), Mathias Darr (Galvanize), Clifton Harness (TestFit), the goal of this product was to Eliminate poor building configurations based on excessive structural cost.
Check out the materials on Github here: https://github.com/LukeMinnich/dbei-hackathon-na-2019
If you would like to roll your sleeves up and get involved in a future DBEI Hackathon, the next opportunity will be held in DBEI Hackathon, Europe, 9th October a day prior to BILT Europe, in Edinburgh.
Price: €50.00 delegate or €25.00 student.
To register click here.
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