Meet the Member!

Meet Tammy Adolf, the first in our Meet the Member series.
We asked Tammy some questions to gain a little insight into who she is and what she does. Here’s what she said:
Member Level: Professional
Job Title: Digital Practice Data Analyst
Company: Stantec
Location: Pender Island
Tell us a bit about what you do.
I work with the Stantec Buildings group as part of the Business arm of Buildings Digital Practice, I help educate our users on project workflows, processes and tools, and with with various stakeholders to review their data and data viz needs.
What made you want to become a DBEI Community Member?
Hoping to be able to communicate with like-minded people, to replace the sorts of dialogue that occurs at in-person events.
What have you found, so far, to be the best part of being a Member?
Access to online events such as DTS Dialogs.
What would you love to see added as a benefit being a Member?
Early access to alpha/beta tools to help shape the future?
What has been the biggest professional challenge for you in the past year due to the pandemic?
Keeping up with the changes in technology/apps and keeping internet online in my rural community.
Have you taken up any new hobbies or ignited any old ones in the past year?
Remote theatre production
What 3 things are you most looking forward to doing when the world gets back to ‘normal’?
- Showing movies at our micro theatre again
- Leaving my island to see friends, having friends come here to visit
- Being online less
Do you have any professional goals for 2021?
Working on pushing data as a tool within Buildings at Stantec
Interested in collaborating with Tammy? Connect with her on DBEI Community.
Want to be featured next? Upgrade your membership to Affiliate, Associate or Professional Level by contacting us below, and we’ll tell you how you can become the next featured member.
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