Plenaries and Panels

Well it has taken us a little longer than last year to get our plenary sessions squared away, but we have two fantastic speakers for you for both our main plenary sessions. We also have some high-profile industry influencers banding together on a panel to discuss government’s role in shaping our industry.
Day 1 Keynote – Thursday, session 1.1
Dr. Jordan Nguyen will present the opening keynote: Beyond Superhuman – Technology for Humanity
He is one of Australia’s most innovative engineers, who is committed to improving the lives of as many people as possible, and to help become a driving force behind both human and technological evolution as we move into the future.
An internationally renowned engineer for humanity, Jordan designs life-changing technologies to transform the lives of people with disabilities and the elderly through his role as founder of Psykinetic, a social business committed to bringing positive, sustainable and life-altering change, and shares his adventures through documentaries across the world. Inspired by human endeavour, Jordan has big ambitions to see our world step consciously and creatively into a better future.
Day 2 Keynote – Friday, session 2.1
Our second keynote will be delivered by Joel de Ross: Understanding the true scope, value, and global impact of virtual collaboration in Digital Environments.
Joel is an electronic music producer, whole-systems design thinker, technologist and impact-driven entrepreneur who specializes in the commercial application of immersive and emerging technology within the art, music, events, education and the nonprofit sector.
Joel has spent the last 6 years researching the commercial application of simulation within the festival industry; in particular, ways in which 3D pre-visualization of festivals could be re-purposed as time capsules and monetized.
His primary research has centered around the digital recreation of Woodstock Festival. The outcomes of the initial research not only demonstrate how a music festival such as Woodstock could generate billions in revenue over the lifetime of its virtual copy, but how the impact of that moment in time on society, culture, politics, the environment and much more could be measured and visualized on a global scale.
Government Panel discussion – Friday, session 2.4 @ 3pm – 4.15pm
And last but certainly not least, our latest and a very special program addition will be an insightful and candid panel discussion between four Australian state government representatives who have taken steps toward transforming how government leverages and contributes to implementation of BIM and Digital Engineering across each respective region.
This session will follow the updates provided by some of the panellists in the Industry Update (Thursday, session 1.5 @ 4.55pm).
We will be taking questions from the audience, so bring your ears, insights and thinking caps to take advantage of this unique gathering of government leaders.
Liz Partridge, Senior Project Director, Innovation – Health Infrastructure New South Wales
Tim Mumford, Office of Projects Victoria
Adam Griffiths, Program Manager Digital Engineering Infrastructure & Place – Transport for NSW
Andrew Curthoys, Director, Engagement and Taskforce Economic and Infrastructure Strategy – Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
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