Nando Mogollon

Central Innovation
Senior Design Architect

Nando Mogollon, is a Senior Design Architect with experience in all stages of Design, Pre-construction and Design management.
Nando specialises in BIM Management and Implementation and has developed extensive experience with small and large scale projects and multidisciplinary teams; using a variety Software packages including: ARCHICAD, Revit, Navisworks, BIMSight, Solibri; and has an extensive understanding of IFC exchange formats and OpenBIM protocols.

Fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese, Nando has worked in 3 continents, and participated in numerous projects in Colombia and the Caribbean, South Africa, Canada, India and China.
Nando currently heads up the Professional Services team at Central Innovation, assisting customers to deliver interoperability between systems, streamlined design processes and reduced manual practices.

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