26 August - 21 October, 2020
DTS Online 2020

DTS Online 2020

26 August - 21 October, 2020

26 AUGUST, 2020 & 21 OCTOBER, 2020.

The Design Technology Summit (DTS) is focused on advancing the conversation of how design-oriented organizations can transition to effective digital workflows. The role of Design Technology Leader is critical to helping guide firms through this transition and beyond, by bringing together knowledge of practice, computation, and business. DTS is the place to come and discuss all of this with your peers and colleagues.

DTS Online will focus on the cultural, technological, and business aspects of Digital Transformation in the professional services.  We will look at these aspects from two perspectives:

1.Internally focused transformation – which will explore teams, collaboration, mentorship, learning, and project delivery.

2. Externally focused transformation -which will explore opportunities in finding new ways to engage with existing clients, gain new ones, and generate business.
Read more here

• Understand the factors, challenges, resolutions, and opportunities present in industry-leading practices’ responses to the shift in business practices brought about by COVID-19
• Compare and evaluate the strategies presented with approaches by your own firm
• Help you to identify key areas or aspects for future transformation
• Discuss possibilities for client-facing transformation

As an online event offers more flexibility, DTS Online will be spread across several months of this year, beginning with a complimentary panel session in June and followed by two discussion sessions focusing on three topic areas.

SESSION ONE: PANEL Digital Transformation at a Moment’s Notice (This event is in the past)

Date: Wednesday, June 17 2020 – Missed the session? Watch the recording here.
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm Central Daylight Time
Synopsis:  This panel discussion will focus on the internal and external impacts of  the digital transformation in the short term.
We will gather insights and leanings from industry leaders to discuss what transitions have progressed, what is working well and how could it be improved.
Panellists: Natasha Luthra (Jacobs), Brian Skripac (Cannon Design), Tomislav Zigo (Clayco), Alexandra Pollack (FXCollaborative)

Spread across two dates, interactive discussion sessions will utilize Zoom breakout rooms to discuss three key topics of discussion:

Wednesday August 26 2020 1PM – 3:30PM (Central Daylight Time)

Topic One: Internal Impacts to DTS Firms
Roundtable discussion with DTS attendees, with the panel discussion takeaways as a starting point for the discussion.This session will consist of a series of small group discussions with other industry peers. Firstly it will focus on the internal impacts to design technology firms that Digital Transformation is causing – beginning with discussions on what transitions have progressed, what is working well and how it could be improved.
Time: 1pm – 2.15pm CDT

Topic Two: Looking to the Future
With the lessons learned and shared so far, how should we be imagining the future of our practices?  What opportunities are there for making useful, durable changes to the way we work?
Time: 2.30pm – 3:30pm CDT

Wednesday October 21 2020 – 1PM – 2:30PM (Central Daylight Time)

Topic Three: Externally-facing Opportunities
This session will consist of a series of small group discussions with other industry peers which will focus on externally-facing opportunities to design technology firms. This includes what opportunities exist to enhance the way we work with our clients, get new ones, and present our firms.
Date: Wednesday 21 October 2020
Time: 1pm – 2:30pm CDT




Who Should Attend?

Professionals in the Architecture and Engineering sectors that are employed by a firm that has a minimum of 100 employees and multiple office locations.

Why DTS?

As practitioners and technologists, we have often been the ones called on to help our organizations find opportunities to modernize. DTS brings us together to share our experiences and knowledge, and identify opportunities to improve. It is from this background- and in this spirit – that we offer five areas of consideration that can positively impact practice; Lightweight Interfaces, Full Adoption of Model Based Workflows, Knowledge Capture, Management & Dissemination Platform, Technology for improved quality of life (of designers and end users) and
Application Behavior/Performance

General Enquiries

Gabi Caruana
Event Manager
Email: info@dbei.org

Sponsorship Enquiries

Chris Warden
Sponsorship Manager, DTS Committee
Email: chris.warden@dbei.org

Peter Morgan
Director, Business Development, DBEI
Email: peter.morgan@dbei.org