

As 2019 begins with great anticipation, so do the groans of many team members in despair of what new technology we are going to be trying to force upon them. But as history has shown us, the ability to adapt to change is a key component to surviving in today’s ever changing environment. Recently the […]


While you might have been busy with your Black Friday shopping (why do we even have this as a sale day here in Australia?) the BILT ANZ committee were gathering in Melbourne.  Why Melbourne – because that’s where next year’s BILT ANZ will be held of course!  While we spent most of the four days […]

BILT ANZ Program Highlights

I can’t believe it’s not yet Christmas, but we are already able to bring you the first of our program announcements!  Thanks to our wonderful event manager Ellie Mihalarias and our speaker manager Clay Hickling, we are super organised this year and the majority of our speakers are already signed up.  If you are a […]

BILT ANZ Committee Addition!

As event chair, it is my privilege to announce our latest member of the BILT ANZ committee! Many of you who have attended in past years will already know her, and she has a great rap sheet as evidence of her past achievements.  She’s one half of @NZBIMChicks on Twitter – the other half (Michelle […]

Merry Christmas from the Team at DBEI!

the Digital Built Environment Institute would like to wish you a very joyous Christmas and New Year period. We thought we’d leave you with a couple of things you may like to know. Planning is now already well under way for our major 2019 events. We have a few key dates coming up in January […]

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